Tuesday, 24 August 2010

Typical locations of horror films.

Abandoned Warehouse.


Countryside e.g. woods or lake

All the typical places are isolated as the feeling of vulnerability enhances the feel of fear that the film creates.



The stereotypical Psychopath has deficits or deviances in several areas: interpersonal relationships, emotion, and self-control. Psychopaths gain satisfaction through antisocial behaviour, and do not experience shame, guilt, or remorse for their actions. They do not feel guilt or remorse for those they cause harm to. They are used in many horror films as they are eccentric in their way of thinking and their ideas are often warped and inhumane.

Albert Hamilton Fish

He was a paedophile, sadomasochists, a cannibal and a vampire. He liked to torture before killing his victims. His character was personified as Hannibal Lechter in a famous movie “Silence of the Lambs”. Because of his cruelty, he was called the Gray Man, the Werewolf of Wysteria, and the Brooklyn Vampire.

He grew up in foster home, a place where he first experienced violence. He became a homosexual in the age of 12. He murdered his first victim in 1910. He mostly attacked mentally retarded or Afro-American children. He confessed to have tortured, molested and mutilated his victims. He drank the victim’s blood and would cook and ate the bodies. He boasted to have molested more than 100 children. He was sentenced to death and executed in electric chair in 1936

Aileen “Lee” Carol Wuornos

Her story was the inspiration of the movie “Monster” starring Charlize Theron as Lee and Christina Ricci as Shelby, Lee’s lover. The media called her as “American First Female Serial Killer”, although she was in fact not the first. She murdered seven truck drivers in Florida Highway. She robbed her victims and shot them. Born as Aileen Carol Pitman, she experienced domestic violence since childhood. After her mother left her, she lived with her abusive grandfather and ended being raped by her father’s friend. She earned her living by becoming a street prostitute at age 13. At 15, she gave birth to a son, who was soon taken away from her.

Gilles de Rais

Lived in 15th century, this French nobleman was one military captain in Joan of Arc army. His victims were mostly young blond haired and blue eyed boys aged eight to 18. He raped, tortured, murdered and mutilated around 80 to 200 victims. His story was the subject of several books.

One of Rais’ servant testified that Rais’ biggest passion was to bath in his victim’s blood. Rais would stab the victims in the vein and let the blood squirting all over him. He loved to see the agony of the dying. He decapitated his victims after death and asked his servants to pick the fairest one. He held the chosen head high and admired it. Afterwards, the mutilated body was burned in a fireplace. The burning was slow to maximize the smell because Rais also enjoyed the smell of the burning bodies.

Ted Bundy

His story was the subject of a television movie and a book both titled “A Stranger Beside Me”. The book was written by Ann Rule. Following a long period of constant denial, he finally confessed to have murdered 30 young girls from 1974 – 1978. He raped and killed his victims by bludgeoning or strangulation. Sometimes he decapitated his victims with hacksaw and kept the severed heads in his room. After some time the heads and the remaining bodies were dumped in Taylor Mountain. He visited and re-visited the bodies in Taylor Mountain frequently. He applied make up to the corpses and had sex with the decomposing bodies.

He attracted many attentions in the court when acted as his own attorney and cross-examined witnesses. He made marriage proposal to one of his witness before the judge. Despite his entertaining performance in the court, the jury found him guilty. He was sentenced to death and executed on January 1989 in the electric chair.

Friday, 20 August 2010

Questionnaire results

We asked in total 30 participants, ages ranging 16-24
The results are as follows:

We have learned from these results that making a horror based teaser trailer would be most suited to our target audience of young adults, focusing on an exciting, unique plot and perhaps having the main characters as teenagers. We will need to limit how much detail is shown in our teaser trailer as this is a convention of teaser trailers and our results show that mystery is the main factor that would draw in an audience. We need to make sure our soundtrack is full of twists and turns between loud and quiet, diegetic and non- diegetic and  include silent areas to create a build up of tension. As for our villain's weapon, it is hard to decide as answers given in the 'other' section vastly ranged, with answers such as "guns", "baseball bat" and "hammer". We have definitely decided to have the killer wear a mask as this would scare the audience more and also make the genre more obvious.

Thursday, 5 August 2010

Questionnaire to help us decide on our Teaser trailer

We created a questionnaire on Surveymonkey to send out and we also handed some out to our peers. This is how the survey looked to those taking it on surveymonkey: