Friday, 20 August 2010

Questionnaire results

We asked in total 30 participants, ages ranging 16-24
The results are as follows:

We have learned from these results that making a horror based teaser trailer would be most suited to our target audience of young adults, focusing on an exciting, unique plot and perhaps having the main characters as teenagers. We will need to limit how much detail is shown in our teaser trailer as this is a convention of teaser trailers and our results show that mystery is the main factor that would draw in an audience. We need to make sure our soundtrack is full of twists and turns between loud and quiet, diegetic and non- diegetic and  include silent areas to create a build up of tension. As for our villain's weapon, it is hard to decide as answers given in the 'other' section vastly ranged, with answers such as "guns", "baseball bat" and "hammer". We have definitely decided to have the killer wear a mask as this would scare the audience more and also make the genre more obvious.

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