Saturday, 23 April 2011

What have you learnt through audience feedback?

We received audience feedback from 21 AS media students. Although their knowledge of film genres and trailers maybe great than the general public's, we still found it extremely useful and encouraging.

We found from our audience feedback that there was a wide interpretation of the genre we had chosen although the ones chosen were similar. The genres that were chosen were Horror, Thriller, Slasher, the sub-genre Psychological Thriller and the genre we had chosen Psychological Horror. This has proven that depicting the sub-genre Psychological Horror in a teaser trailer can prove difficult because it created by different aspects of different genres. Our feedback shows that Psychological Horror is a genre that is still unfamiliar with audiences unlike other popular genres. 18 out of 21 thought that our trailer fitter the genre perfectly, this proves that it is easy to mistake it for other genres and still fit the conventions of the genres. 

Our main aspect of our trailer was the location, however, although the mise en scene had a large number of votes, the sound we created was the most popular of all the aspects of the trailer and the effect it has on the audience. The sound in a teaser trailer is important as it can create tension and emphasis the shots when applied to the editing. 

The boys we used in the trailer were 17 therefore we concluded that the target audience age range would be from 15 to 20. However the audience feedback showed that a popular thought was that the age range would be from 15 to 25 with a predominantly male audience. This shows that the age of the actors may not always limit the age range of the audience. None of the participants thought that the film would appeal to women. this is not so surprising and fitted our predicted target audience of men, as the cast shown in the trailer is an all male cast. This means that there would be no one so far in the film that women can relate to, thus making it uninteresting for women. 

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